Things to Consider For Kitchen Tiles in Singapore

The kitchen is one important part of the home as it is why your ‘chef’ works! Therefore, there are many things one should take note of when selecting tiles or other flooring option in Singapore.

Things to Consider For Kitchen Tiles Include:

1. Slip Resistant

Since there will be alot of washing, the kitchen may get wet and slippery. Therefore it is important to consider a tiles that has high slip resistant properties. This is especially essential when you have elderly parents or young children at home.

2. Fire Resistant

Always install kitchen tiles or flooring that has certified CE rating or other fire resistance certification. Fire resistant tiles assure additional safety at home.

3. Waterproof

Tiles with proper installation are naturally waterproof. They are easy to clean and maintain as well. Hence, tiles are always then number one choice in kitchen flooring option.

4. Non Sticky

Oil stains may cause the kitchen flooring to be sticky to the feet. Houses that install unconventional flooring such as laminate flooring or clickable resilient flooring, will tend to have stickiness on the flooring in the long run. This may cause discomfort to one’s feet. The good thing about good quality tiles is that they are non sticky to the feet!

Good quality tiles are always a good option for your kitchen. This is because they are easy to clean so that there will not be a sticky feel on the feet as compared to other types of flooring like vinyl or resilient flooring.

Louis Wang, Co-Founder of Swift Tilers Group

5. Stain Resistant

With the advancement in tiles technology, it is now easier to find tiles that are stain resistant or easy to clean. One recommendation is to clean your kitchen tiles at least once every two weeks.

6. Heat Resistant

The ability to insulate heat is important for the kitchen tiles. This will keep your feet cool despite the heat from the cooking. Unconventional flooring option such as resistant flooring may have relatively lower heat resistance than most quality kitchen tiles.

7. Weight Impact Resistance

This might not be that much of an impact to home kitchens, whereby moving of heavy objects like your fridge and human walking traffic in low. However having good tiles with high weight impact resistance adds durability to your kitchen flooring. Flooring that have minute thickness (8mm and below) will tend to have relatively lower weight impact resistance than good quality tiles.

Take your time to select the best tiles for your home kitchen! Once you did that, remember to engage our swift tiling services!

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